Click on the picture of the self-help guide documents to open.
All of our guides are PDFs so they can be easily saved, printed, emailed so you can share them with others.
Our guides have been written and published by a group of NHS practicing trainee clinical psychologists from University College London.
Managing Anxiety During the Coronavirus Pandemic
Understand your anxiety better, including why and how to manage it through breath-work, relaxation and grounding exercises.
Self Care during Social Distancing: Back to Basics
It's easy to forget about the basic tasks of looking after ourselves when we don;t have structure or people to keep us accountable. This guide provides ideas to overcome that.
Setting Values Based Goals while in Self-Isolation
Self-isolation/lockdown has caused us to have to postpone a lot of goals or events that matter to us. Use this guide to plan new values-based goals that will keep you feeling busy and fulfilled at home.
There is a lot to worry about at the moment, but don't let worry use up the time and energy you need to be spending on keeping physically and mentally healthy. This guide helps you get in cotnrol of worry.
Self-Compassion in Self-Isolation
When we don;t have as many people around us, it is more important than ever that we can be kind to ourselves! Most people find this hard, but this guide gives you some ideas on how to start.
Managing Mood With Activity Scheduling
Keeping busy is one of the best things we can do for our mental health, but that's a lot more difficult now we can't go out! Use this guide to understand why and how to plan activities in advance.
Taking A Compassion Break *Fast Exercise*
For some people this time is busier and more frantic than ever. This fast compassion exercise will help you to be kind to yourself in the midst of everything else going on.
Routines are changing and there is lots of uncertainty and worry, so many people are struggling with sleep. This guide has some ideas for improving your sleep (including how to manage bad dreams!) in this time.
Being Ready for The Worst Days
Some days are ok, but on others it's hard even to cope. If you can sometimes feel overwhelmed by difficult emotions or thoughts, it's important to plan ahead for the hardest days. This guide can help.
3-Step Mindful Breathing Space *Fast Exercise*
This quick exercise helps to step back from what's going on and how you're feeling and make better decisions for your relationships and mental health.
Can we be alone without being lonely? What's the difference and what does that mean for isolation? This guide includes some really practical ideas and links to groups/event series' you can join from home.
It's easy to get stuck over-, under-, or binge-eating at stressful times, This guide explains why, and gives ideas for managing it, as well as for generally increasing motivation to prepare healthy food.
Support for People with Learning Disabilities
This guide contains useful ideas, information and links for people with learnign diasbilities and their carers, to help with managing self-isolation and mental health at this time.
With limited options for managing stress, or treating ourselves, it is natural that many people are drinking more. This guide helps you to work out if you are drinking too much, and what you can do about it if so.
Lots of us have lost someone during this time, and not been able to respond as we would have liked. This guide gives some information about the grieving process, and what can help to get through it.
Supporting Children with Bereavement
It can be hard talking to children about death, especially when we can't mark it as we normally would. This guide explains common ways that children might respond, and things that can help them to process grief.
Older Adults- Loss of time and difficult conversations
Older adults are particularly vulnerable at this time, but talking about the passing time and risk, and what it means for them, is still so difficult. This guide helps to address some of these issues, as well as providing tips for older adults to maintain emotional wellbeing.
Many children had a long period off school, and going back will be difficult. For those preparing to go back, or struggling to adjust after going back, this document provides some tips.
Watch This Space!
We are working hard to develop new guides. If you have an idea for a topic or title,
please e-mail us at:
This Coronavirus Resource has been created to offer guidance and support to people struggling to cope with the psychological impact of the pandemic.